The Law Office of Joe VanDervoort and Geoff Dulebohn

Federal and State Violations


Fish and game activities can include either federal or state violations depending on the type of regulations. The California Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service both have a variety of state and federal gaming laws and regulations that could result in serious violations.

Even if you are not actively engaged in hunting or fishing, you may be in violation of federal wildlife regulations just by picking up a souvenir during your travels, or importing or exporting items made from a species that is protected by federal wildlife laws.

It is important to make sure that you have the correct licenses, permits and tags, depending on whether you are hunting or fishing on state or federal lands. Not following state and federal wildlife laws can lead to expensive fines, court fees and even jail time.

The Law Office of Joe Vandervoort and Jeff Dulebohn specialize in handling both California State Department of Fish and Game and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service violations. If you have been cited for either state or federal fish and game violations, contact our office immediately.